Seniors Embrace Autumn During October Sarah’s Fund Day
Sevier County seniors enjoy a full day of fall fun during monthly Sarah’s Fund Day.
The Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center recently held its October Sarah’s Fund Day, providing a fun-filled day of fall activities. About a dozen ladies enjoyed a fabulous outing to soak up the autumn air before heading back to the Senior Activity Center for a catered lunch and a little bit of fall fun.
Autumn Leaves and Pumpkin Picking.
To kick off the day’s events, the ladies loaded up the bus for a quick drive to enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves. To enjoy the fresh fall air, they stopped at a local farm stand where everyone got to pick their own pumpkin to take back with them to the senior center, where they enjoyed a catered lunch of Publix subs and fresh fruit, before spending the rest of the afternoon painting their pumpkins!
“It was so much fun....the ladies sure enjoyed the process of painting pumpkins, and it brought out creativity they didn't know they had,” shared Ashley Sellars, Activities Chairman at the My People Senior Activity Center. “We will definitely be doing this each October!”
For many seniors, the opportunity to do something outside of their homes or assisted living facilities are few and far between. Even the simple gesture of taking them out to a local farmers’ market can make the biggest difference. Sarah’s Fund is glad to help provide monthly activities and assistance to Sevier County Seniors, keeping them happy, healthy and active.
Donate To Sarah’s Fund.
In Loving Memory
Sarah Scott Timmons
Sarah’s Fund, established by S.D. Professionals and managed by Dolly Parton’s My People Senior Activity Center, honors the legacy of Sarah Scott Timmons by providing monthly activities and assistance for Sevier County, TN, seniors at home, as well as for those in short and long-term assisted living facilities.
The Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center.
The Sevier County Senior Center, built in 2002, was rebranded as the Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center in 2018 in honor of Dolly Parton’s mother and father. It offers a range of programs, activities and services, primarily for adults aged 60 and over. Most programs are free or are offered at a nominal cost. The Sevier County Council on Aging is also located at the center and provides information and referrals, plus a wide variety of services, including a senior housing program.