Sarah’s Fund Donates $5,000
$5,000 Donation from Sarah’s Fund aids the Homebound Senior Meal Program at the Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center.
Sarah’s Fund was originally established by Jacob Timmons, president of S.D. Professionals, LLC, as a legacy project for his late mother in partnership with the Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center. The fund’s mission has been giving area seniors something fun to look forward to each month, providing activities and entertainment that they can all enjoy together. With the spread of the coronavirus, that mission was put on hold. Until they could resume offering monthly activities, Sarah’s Fund announced that they would donate $5,000 to provide emergency meals to seniors in Sevier County, TN, in an effort to continue making a difference during the pandemic.
Sarah’s Fund has donated more than $10,000 to the center, with $5,000 allocated to assist the center’s Homebound Senior Meal Program in feeding seniors throughout Sevier County, TN, during the COVID-19 crisis. Timmons said,
“We set up Sarah’s Fund to help seniors in Sevier County, TN, live a more active and enjoyable life. With this crisis really hitting our seniors in a devastating way, we wanted to do our part to ensure they don’t go hungry.”
Jane Howes is the director of the Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center and Sevier County Office. When asked about the additional donations from Sarah’s Fund, she had this to say,
“I am overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of Jacob Timmons and Sarah’s Fund for their recent donation of $5,000 to be used for emergency meals during the COVID-19 crisis. Our community has truly pulled together in typical Sevier County fashion to help those in need and our most vulnerable adults are being well-fed due to the kindness of people like Mr.Timmons and Sarah’s Fund. I can’t thank you enough for this donation!”
Howes went on to say, “I’d also like to thank the Sevier County Sheriff’s Office, our meal program volunteers and staff for assisting in this huge effort to get the meals delivered. Also, a special thanks to Sevier County School Superintendent Jack Parton for offering the Sevier County High School Culinary Arts Program instructor, Sissy Ivy, and students to help prepare, box, and label the meals!”
The center’s “Homebound Senior Meal Program” has sent out over 4,100 crisis-response meals and counting. Annually, the program provides over 30,000 meals to Sevier County seniors and is funded through assistance and donations from Sevier County United Way, senior center fundraisers and private donations.
Giving Area Seniors Something Fun To Look Forward To.
Now, with an end to the coronavirus in sight, Sarah’s Fund is excited to once again give Sevier County seniors something fun to look forward to.
The Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center is thrilled to announce that they will host the first Sarah’s Fund group of 2021 on Tuesday, July 13. They will bring area seniors to the center for a fun crafting session, where they will make an antiqued clay pot with succulents, which they can then take home with them. Then, they will be served lunch, play a delightful game of musical bingo and finish off the day's activities with an ice cream social before being taken back to their homes.
Donate To Sarah’s Fund.
Sarah’s Fund, established by S.D. Professionals and managed by Dolly Parton’s My People Senior Activity Center, honors the legacy of Sarah Scott Timmons by providing monthly activities and assistance for Sevier County, TN, seniors at home and for those in short and long-term assisted living.
The Dolly Parton My People Senior Activity Center.
The Sevier County Senior Center, built in 2002, was rebranded as the Dolly Parton My People Seniors Activity Center in 2018. It offers a range of programs, activities and services primarily for adults age 60 and over. Most programs are free or are offered at a nominal cost. The Sevier County Council on Aging is also located at the center and provides information and referral, plus a wide variety of services, including a senior housing program.